Exploring Technology in Business
The use of technology in marketing, like a lighthouse, can help to guide traffic safely to your website. 

Are you using your technology most effectively?


General SEO Guidelines

SEO is ongoing. In fact some say it is never ending. That may well be true, but what else is true is that doing it incorrectly even one time can cost you a lot in the overall scheme of things. Here are a few things to think about with your SEO, the algorithms that measure your standards, and your standard site building.

Design & Content

• You should build your web pages for human beings and not for search engines. A clean design and a strong content will ultimately drive search engine spiders to your site.
• Make a… Continue reading

Cloud Computing-What are the Pros and Cons?

We’ve all heard a lot lately about cloud computing. Using “the cloud” has become a buzz phrase around the world. What is cloud computing and what does it offer to you? Is it really so different from what you’re using now?

Chances are that you’re not entirely sure what cloud computing really is and what kind of advantages or issues it has to offer to your business.

What is Cloud Computing?

While the typical buzzword name may be relatively new, cloud computing isn’t. If you’re using Trello as a mapping system, or even gmail or Google docs, you’ve been using… Continue reading

Lean Business Training: Benefits at Every Level

Any business owner who has concerns with their profit margins, which is pretty much every company, has considered or at least heard of lean business training. When you are looking for a way to lower costs and increase profits, lean business training can help. It will not mean a lower quality product, just a product you have learned to manufacture more cheaply.

Are you ready to go lean and reap the benefits? Better training helps your business accomplish more for lower costs, which means more money for you in the marketplace. However, without real assistance this is not something you… Continue reading